AQMD Regulations

Is your warehouse 250,000 sq.ft or above and Compliant with Rule-2305?

If not in compliance, you may be subject to thousands of dollars in fines per infraction!

Compliance and Reporting

The WAIRE Program is a menu-based point system that requires warehouse operators to earn WAIRE Points by completing actions off the WAIRE Menu, by implementing an approved Custom WAIRE Plan, or by paying a mitigation fee every year.

Warehouse owners will be required to submit an informational report on their buildings (Warehouse Operators Notification), and warehouse operators will also be required to submit reports about facility operations and compliance approaches (Initial Site Information Report and Annual WAIRE Report). 

Please consult with your Rac Force Material Handling Solutions representative to discuss the regulation boundaries and steps to take in order to avoid penalty fees.

The following presentation material is provided by South Coast AQMD official website: WAIRE Program (

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